
4 posts

Restless Stones: A Creative Depiction from Invasive Freshwater Crayfish to Stones

Twice a day I wander with my dog through nature. A few years ago I found a skeleton of an invasive freshwater crayfish that has taken over the rivers and streams. They are by far bigger than the native ones. It was almost completely intact and bleached by the sun. For comparison you will find 2 legs of the native crayfish. I wanted to try to do something with it, although I had no idea how and where to go. The goal was to investigate this item and figure out where it would bring me. Initial sketches To get the […]

Cistus ladanifer, rock rose or gum rose

Cistus Ladanifer painting

Each Spring, the Cistus Ladanifer (rockrose, gumrose, labdanum) takes over the landscape of the Algarve with abundant white flowers. It is a rather invasive plant which overgrows all the abandoned farmland. But in Spring you forgive this plant that bad habit. It is so beautiful to see them in the morning sun, opening their flowers towards the sun and gently waving in the wind. April is the month with the most flowers and every year again I have to take photos of it. So why not paint them? I did already an early one in 2018, which is sold. So […]

Inner thoughts acrylic portret on canvas

Inner thoughts, portrait painting

Today a total different painting than Floripes was. It was already quite a time ago that I painted a portrait. I started on an old painting that I didn’t want to keep. I putted a few colours over it and then a blueish kind of grey with also a pinch of yellow in it. Then I made the drawing of the face. It  is a rather rough drawing, not detailed, just to place the eyes and mouth. I used a very vague photo. Using a vague photograph is sometimes an advantage, unless the painting really has to resemble someone.  With […]

Paint classic!

It continues to itch. Drawing real bodies. So this week I have drawn and painted in a more classic way. I got it on the canvas rather quick, with a dark underpainting. But the composition was not satisfying for me. Through this process I go more often. The painting doesn’t give a feeling, it doesn’t look yet. And then I remembered a quote that painting is mainly simplifying. Remove all that is not necessary. I don’t know any more who it was, but it could have been very well Picasso. He was a genius in simplifying. Meanwhile I also started […]